Los Genios del Mar
Si hay algo que me haga querer superar mi miedo al agua y por fin aprender a nadar, seria la criatura increiblemente inteligente y bonita llamada a sepia. Aqui tiene un video con muchos experimentos interesantes que investigan los comportamientos curiosos y poderes de las sepias.
Me pregunto si las sepias pueden ver sus espaldas para conformarse el piel a las formas, los colores y las texturas de sus alrededores, o si pueden controlarse los cromatoforos por instinto. Supongo que seria dificil de mostrarles a las presas esos exhibiciones hiptonizantes si no por instinto o por lo menos por practica muy diligente.
If there is something that makes me want to overcome my fear of water and at last learn to swim, it would be the incredibly intelligent and beautiful creature called the cuttlefish. Here is a video with many interesting experiments that investigate the curious behaviors and powers of cuttlefish.
I wonder if cuttlefish can see their backs to conform their skin to the shapes, colors and textures of their surroundings, or if they can control their chromatophores by instinct. I guess it would be difficult to put on those mesmerizing displays to their prey if not by instinct or at least by very diligent practice.